56 research outputs found

    CoAP over BP for a Delay-Tolerant Internet of Things

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    International audienceWith the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) a myriad of new devices will become part of our everyday life. Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), and its extensions, are specifically designed to address the integration of these constrained devices. However, due to their limited resources, they are often unable to be fully connected and instead form intermittently connected and sparse networks in which Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) is more appropriate, in particular through the Bundle Protocol (BP). This paper addresses the implementation of a BP binding for CoAP as a means to enable Delay Tolerant IoT. After an overview of CoAP and BP, we present a basic implementation of CoAP/BP that we developed and some first experimentation results that validate the feasibility of the approach. Several leads are then explored regarding ways to take advantage of the BP features in order to achieve an optimized CoAP/BP implementation

    Schéma de Développement Territorial de la Grande Région - CAHIER THEMATIQUE N°1 : Dynamiques démographiques et les besoins territoriaux associés

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    Die Aktion 3 des Interreg-Projektes REK GR mit dem Namen « Eine gemeinsam genutzte Wissensbasis und eine gemeinsame Sprache entwickeln » zielt darauf ab, das Gebiet der Großregion aus Sicht mehrerer Themen zu beleuchten. Vier Themen wurden festgehalten und werden jeweils in einem spezifischen Heft ausgearbeitet. Ein fünftes Heft fasst die beiden Workshops zusammen, an denen alle Schlüsselakteure der Großregion beteiligt waren, um die sektoriellen und bereichsübergreifenden Herausforderungen der künftigen territorialen Entwicklung zu bestimmen (Risiken und Chancen). - Themenheft Nr. 1: Demographische Dynamik und damit verbundene räumliche Erfordernisse - Themenheft Nr. 2: Mobilität von Personen und Gütern - Themenheft Nr. 3: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung - Themenheft Nr. 4: Umwelt – Energie - Zusammenfassendes Heft Nr. 5: Herausforderungen der territorialen Entwicklung der GroßregionSDTG

    The sources, impact and management of car park runoff pollution: a review

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    Traffic emissions contribute significantly to the build-up of diffuse pollution loads on urban surfaces with their subsequent mobilisation and direct discharge posing problems for receiving water quality. This review focuses on the impact and mitigation of solids, metals, nutrients and organic pollutants in the runoff deriving from car parks. Variabilities in the discharged pollutant levels and in the potentials for pollutant mitigation complicate an impact assessment of car park runoff. The different available stormwater best management practices and proprietary devices are reported to be capable of reductions of between 20% and almost 100% for both suspended solids and a range of metals. This review contributes to prioritising the treatment options which can achieve the appropriate pollutant reductions whilst conforming to the site requirements of a typical car park. By applying different treatment scenarios to the runoff from a hypothetical car park, it is shown that optimal performance, in terms of ecological benefits for the receiving water, can be achieved using a treatment train incorporating permeable paving and bioretention systems. The review identifies existing research gaps and emphasises the pertinent management practices as well as design issues which are relevant to the mitigation of car park pollution

    Evolution saisonnière de la production primaire et des processus d'assimilation-régénération de l'azote dans le Golfe du Lion (Estimation d'un bilan de carbone. Approches in situ et modélisation)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Sci.Luminy (130552106) / SudocAIX-MARSEILLE2-Stat.Mar. Endoume (130552206) / SudocBORDEAUX1-Lab.Océanogr.Arcacho (330092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Démarches de mise en place d'activités de pharmacie clinique en gérontologie dans le cadre de l'informatisation de la prescription

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    Cette thèse rapporte la démarche de mise en place d'activités de pharmacie clinique au sein du service de gérontologie du CHU d'Angers. L'informatisation de la prescription dans ce service pilote avec la collaboration du pharmacien hospitalier ainsi que la création d'un poste d'interne en pharmacie à mi-temps dans le service constituent le point de départ de ce projet. L'étude réalisée pendant 6 mois décrit les problèmes médicamenteux rencontrés et les interventions pharmaceutiques réalisées pour les patients admis dans le service de gérontologie. De plus, nous présentons les résultats d'une recherche bibliographique concernant les études sur les interventions pharmaceutiques réalisées particulièrement dans la population âgée. Cette recherche permet de mettre à jour les activités proposées actuellement afin d'offrir de meilleures prestations pharmaceutiques dans l'unité.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    ROOM : reconfigurable object-oriented machines for specific applications

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    In this article, an object-oriented approach to program applications onto reconfigurable hardware is presented. The underlying runtime support is a multiprocessor structure, called a ROOM (Reconfigurable Object-Oriented Machine). It is composed of a number of object processors equal to the number of classes required by the application. Some of these object processors can be tailored to the application domain to achieve high performance. We show how this approach facilitates the mapping of applications onto FPGA components. We also give preliminary results based on a pattern-matching algorithm example

    ReLaCS for systolic programming

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    The ReLacs language is a systolic programming language which simplifies the programmer's task by making explicit the data-flow os systolic algorithms and by exposing the data delivery mechanism. The underlying architecture model is different from other SIMD architectures in that it physically separates computation and data management. We introduce the ReLaCS language as a syntaxic and a semantic extension of the C language. We show in this article that the ReLaCS programming model provides a simple programming method for systolic algorithms, which is applicable to a variety of parallel machines

    Architectures systoliques et parallélisme de données ; l'environment de programmation ReLaCS

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    Nous rappelons les concepts du calcul systolique et nous examinons les problèmes de mise en oeuvre des solutions systoliques. Nous montrons comment adapter le modèle du parallélisme de données pour faciliter la programmation des algorithmes systoliques. Nous présentons le langage ReLaCS, en particulier ses opérateurs de communication synchrone avec lesquels les flots de données systoliques peuvent être décrits simplement. Enfin, nous décrivons l'organisation du compilateur de ReLaCS qui permet la génération de code pour des architectures SIMD, MIMD et séquentielles

    Dynamic Programming Parallel Implementations for the Knapsack Problem

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    A systolic algorithm for the dynamic programming approach to the knapsack problem is presented. The algorithm can run on any number of processors and has optimal time speedup and processor efficiency. The running time of the algorithm is \Theta(mc=q + m) on a ring of q processors, where c is the knapsack size and m is the number of object types. A new procedure for the backtracking phase of the algorithm with a time complexity \Theta(m) is also proposed which is an improvement on the usual strategies used for backtracking with a time complexity \Theta(m + c). Given a practical implementation, our analysis shows which of two backtracking algorithms (the classical or the modified) is more efficient with respect to the total running time. Experiments have been performed on an iWarp machine for randomly generated instances. They support the theoretical results and show the proposed algorithm performs well for a wide range of problem size

    Tools for correct DSP synchronization

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    Software tools for assuring proper synchronization of real-time digital systems targeted at high-throughput applications are presented. These tools depend on the Signal synchronous language to express timing relations. The tools are presented in the context of a data-flow environment. Tools and environment support the use of externally defined functional blocks for rapid prototyping and easy insertion of new models of those functional blocks. We present 34 Mbit/sec video coding as a sample application using our tools
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